Value chain analysis for Pineapple
in Hau Giang Province
The Norwegian Mission Alliance in Vietnam (NMAV)
- Background
NMAV has been in partnership with Vietnamese local government since 1996. NMAV and the local partners have worked together to empower the poor and marginalized through inclusion and poverty reduction. The target groups in our projects shall not be reduced to objects of our charity. They are acting subjects with their own will and ability to take responsibility for their own lives and development.
Currently, NMA in Vietnam works in partnership with Tra Vinh,Tien Giang and Hau Giang province to implement climate change(CC) resilience project. This project aims to help vulnerable people in Mekong increasing their knowledge and having skills to cope with climate change since 2018-2022. The project focuses on women, children, farmers in which gender equality, inclusion are crosscutting topics.
In the phase of the project 2019-2022, through the project “Inclusive education for cwds and climate change resilience” funded by NMAV with the implementation and cooperation of DOET and Vi Thanh People Committee at three pilots Ward 5, Vi Tan Commune and Hoa Tien commune
To cope with negative impacts of CC, the project selects intervention strategies based on local priorities: (1) provide knowledge for community; (2) establish community network to implement improvement actions; (3) support famers to address market linkages and price fluctuation due to changing weather conditions.
We look for the consultants / group of consultants to provide the study for pineapple’s value chain analysis at pilot communes, then we will work with farmers, cooperative groups and local authorities in Vi Thanh City for further develop climate smart livelihood models.
- Objective:
The main objective of the study is to carry out a value chain analysis of pineapple in Vi Thanh, Hau Giang. The TOR was designed to address the demand of local smallholder producers to improve income through climate smart livelihood models with practical market connectivity activities.
The smallholder producers, service providers in market chain are provided with marketing skills, market information and participate in market analysis as well the development of action plan. Our expectation by 2022, 100 households growing crops that are resilient to the negative impacts of climate change.
The specific objectives are:
- To map out and analyze relationships between actors in the chain to strengthen and improve the pineapple value chain
- To Identify the potential suitable producers groups, and private sector players, the promising value addition opportunities and markets.
- To identify the causes of inefficiencies of actors in the pineapple value chain in order to add value and meet consumers’ expectations
- To understand the potential risks involved with value chain development in the context Vi Thanh city and how those can be mitigated
- Scope of work:
- Draft an appropriate methodology for primary data collection and develop data collection tools (e.g. market survey, interviews with chain actors, key informant interviews) that will be used to conduct the value chain analysis.
- Work with NMAV and local partner, selected farming group to develop the detail analysis plan to address the challenges of local farmers and different stakeholders.
- Conduct assessment of selected farming group in term of their assets, skills, level of organization, market access and specific challenges.
- Identify market opportunities base on ecosystem and key actors in the market chain.
- To conduct value chain analysis to critically assess the issues faced by different stakeholders and identify opportunities for improvement (including identify the benefit distribution of the actors in the chain; examine the role of upgrading within the chain)
- Based on the findings of the value chain analysis, facilitate participative processes of planning, analysis, and design of strategies to strengthen the smallholder capacity and increase access to external markets.
- Develop an action plan for the value chain which is supported by the key actors.
- Presenting the action plan to all to stakeholders from the sector, including input suppliers, farmers, traders, and buyers
- Provide support or mentoring during the implementation process
- Methodology
It is recommended to emphasise both qualitative and quantitative data, with a strong inclination towards qualitative data. These methods include: review of existing information, key informant interviews with chain actors and participatory chain mapping, as well as workshops, participatory observation and focus groups with chain actors. In some cases, methods are also provided for carrying out a market assessment.
- Timeframe:
Activities |
Timeframe |
Location |
Work with NMA on assignment and contract signed |
October,2019 |
Ho Chi Minh City |
Consultant to submit work plan for process of completion of field work and report |
October,2019 |
Ho Chi Minh City |
Conduct value chain analysis |
November,2019 |
Hau Giang |
Draft report with key findings to be submitted |
December,2019 |
Facilitate participative processes of planning, analysis, and design of strategies |
December,2019 |
Conduct workshop to present the action plan to all to stakeholders |
December,2019 |
Hau Giang |
Draft final report with action plan, strategy |
January, 2020 |
Ho Chi Minh City |
Provide mentoring for process of implementation |
Tien Giang and HCMC |
- Consultant Qualifications
The interested applicants encouraged to submit their proposal (not exceeding 15 pages) in English to the Norwegian Mission Alliance with the following details:
- Updated CVs
- Experiences and qualifications to undertake this assignment including a list of similar previous and current engagements with detailed references and documentation references;
- Experience in working with international and national NGOs and/ or with government authorities at national level;
- Technical proposal with detailed activities and workplan;
- Budget proposal with a cost breakdown based on activities.
The proposals are expected to send to xuanhuong@nmav.org, titled “Application Livelihood Program _Name of applicants” by no later than 18 October, 2019. Only submissions with complete documents as stated in the ToRs will be considered.