News & Stories

Scaling-up goat breeding model in Hau Giang
Scaling-up goat breeding model in Hau Giang
At the end of 2020, the project “Inclusive education for children with disabilities and climate change resilience in Hau Giang province” supported for 32 poor/nearly households in Vi Tan commune, Hau Giang province on goat rearing, after 10 household’s representative visited and selected goat breeds at the farm. Each household received 3 goats,_ (...)
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External evaluation of the inclusion program: People with disability empowered and local authorities have changed their behaviour
External evaluation of the inclusion program: People with disability empowered and local authorities have changed their behaviour
Background: The evaluation aims to assess impact of the NMAV funded project for Social Inclusion in Can Tho from 2016-2020 and Inclusive Education (IE) for persons with disabilities and children with disabilities in Can Tho and in Hau Giang from 2018-2020. Key partners have been Can Tho Association for Persons with Disabilities (CAPD),_ (...)
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Results in 2020
Results in 2020
Nmav’s 2020 results The best outcomes from the projects are highlighted as following: Goal A: Knowledge and skills development: Successful launching gender and inclusion training program in 21 schools in project sites, achieved 120% compared to the plan. The program is endorsed and integrated into the school curriculum by district department_ (...)
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How is Covid-19 affecting Mission Alliance activities in Vietnam?
How is Covid-19 affecting Mission Alliance activities in Vietnam?
When the Covid 19 epidemic hit neighboring country China, Vietnam was very quick to take strict measures to contain the virus. Borders were closed, schools were closed, individuals and even communities were put in quarantine and international flights were cancelled. The strategy of the government was very successful and has been internationally_ (...)
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Drought 2020 worse than ever
Drought 2020 worse than ever
"I have lived here for some decades, this is the first time I see the canal has dried to the bottom" - A resident in Go Cong Tay said. The Covid-19 virus is not the only crisis in Vietnam this year. The drought 2020 has broken all records of previous drought seasons including the big drought in 2016. Saline water came earlier,_ (...)
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Value chain analysis for Pineapple in Hau Giang (consultant). Deadline Oct 18th.
Value chain analysis for Pineapple in Hau Giang (consultant). Deadline Oct 18th.
TERMS OF REFERENCE Value chain analysis for Pineapple in Hau Giang Province The Norwegian Mission Alliance in Vietnam (NMAV) Background NMAV has been in partnership with Vietnamese local government since 1996. NMAV and the local partners have worked together to empower the poor and_ (...)
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Communication and behavior change project officer (3 years). Deadline Oct 14th.
Communication and behavior change project officer (3 years). Deadline Oct 14th.
NMA-V invites applications from highly qualified Vietnamese nationals for the position as: Communication and behavior change project officer (3 years) Main responsibility: Develop and maintain our communication strategy Make sure our training material are consistent and is understood by the target group Quality assure behavior change programs_ (...)
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Climate Change project officer (3 years). Deadline Oct 14th.
Climate Change project officer (3 years). Deadline Oct 14th.
NMA-V invites applications from highly qualified Vietnamese nationals for the position as: Climate Change project officer (3 years) Main tasks: Work closely with women Union to develop relevant Climate Change-training in the WU-system Coach community-based monitoring groups, including group management and monitoring. Conduct TOT training on_ (...)
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What is it to be vulnerable?
What is it to be vulnerable?
Vulnerability and adaptation in the Mekong Delta It is often said that the ones who contributes the least to climate change are the ones who are the most vulnerable to its effects. But what does it mean to be vulnerable, and how can it be addressed? Vulnerability can be understood as the lack of capacity and ability to cope with and_ (...)
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What is a Climate Smart Livelihood model ?
What is a Climate Smart Livelihood model ?
Mission Alliance support farmers to do "Climate Smart Livelihoods". Below we explain Climate Smart, and what kind of models we support in the Mekong delta. A climate smart livelihood model should: Be more resilient to the local negative effects of Climate Change. For example, to grow something that is more resilient to saltwater intrusion._ (...)
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